
Monday, 11 February 2013

Ideal Process Flow Example

Let’s consider a scenario. A traveler checks in for his flight from his travel agent or directly from airline office. The passenger then drives to the airport. At the airport, communication with the traveler is handled through touch screens that allow two-way interactions for example, to select and confirm a seat on the plane. When he gets to the departure hall his bag is automatically scanned, measured and weighed. His bio metrics are captured for verification that he owns the bag and when he later boards the plane. The bio metrics captured are the three bio metrics face, fingerprint and iris endorsed by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) as appropriate for travel facilitation.
 The next step is a security screening check to allow the traveler to go airside. After the traveler is airside, he still needs to go through passport control, assuming exit processing is in place. He proceeds to the fast-track self-service lane, while his electronic passport is scanned and his bio metrics read and verified. Which bio metric used at each stage could vary according to customer preference or airline/airport/ government specifications. While he proceeds through the first gate, his information is checked against government no-fly lists. By the time he reaches the second gate, he has been cleared for exit, and the second gate opens. The traveler now finds his self with plenty of time either to shop or to relax in the boarding lounge. Then traveler is notified when his flight is ready for departure. Once he’s at the boarding gate, he scans his electronic boarding pass and has his bio metrics verified. The system thereby confirms that the person boarding the plane is the person who checked in. A turnstile opens and allows his to board the aircraft.
At the traveler’s point of arrival, he passes through immigration the same way he did during departure. If his bag hasn’t arrived, the traveler can use a self-service booth to enter his information so that his bag can be tracked and delivered to his destination. He then proceeds through customs, then finally to home.

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