
Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Project over "HR Recruitment and selection in WI-tribe Pakistan"

Scope of the project:

The scope of our project depends on HR of Wi-tribe. Our main focus will be on the Recruitment and selection process of the Wi-tribe. The project report consists of introduction of the organization, its culture, main hierarchal groups, and main responsibilities of the HR department. A detailed explanation of recruitment and selection process is discussed. The final part of the report consists of the conclusion in which we will discuss the key differences between the ideal and actual recruitment and selection practices in the organization. At the end we will also provide recommendations for Wi-tribe.


Wi-tribe delivers innovative and reliable wireless broadband products, services and content to consumers and businesses across the country, creating a community of subscribers who declares Wi-tribe as their tribe. The Wi-tribe brand is a growing global presence driven by the objective of enhancing online access in emerging markets in the Middle East, Asia, and Africa. It launched its broadband service in Jordan in 2008 and in Pakistan in 2009. Backed by unrivalled experience, a Qatar telecom Group Company born in April of 2007, it is in B2B with Buraaq and is a proud partner of the A.A. Turkey Group of Companies (ATCO) and Clear wire in Jordan and Pakistan, and San Miguel Corporation in the Philippines. With the Philippines’ launch in 2010, Wi-tribe welcomes even more subscribers to its growing global tribe. Through Liberty Broadcasting Network Incorporated, a partnership between San Miguel Corporation and Qtel Group, Wi-tribe is now available to Filipino customers and businesses. This partnership is committed to bringing world-class multi-media products and a full, rich range of service and content in voice, instant messaging, and interactive gaming.

In 2009 also saw the addition of Wi-tribe’s largest operation to date in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, although the soft launch took place in 2007, Wi-tribe is currently working in four cosmopolitan  cities; Karachi, Islamabad, Rawalpindi and Lahore, Now they are heading towards Faisalabad in the coming year.
The logo of wi-tribe depicts its culture, Wi-tribe encourages team work and have friendly environment, and door of CEO is always open for every employee.

Occupational groups:

The main division of occupational hierarchal groups in wi-tribe is,
·         CEOs
·         VPs
·         Directors
·         Managers
·         Teams
There are four main departments finance, technical, and human capital, and sales and marketing. Each department has a VP who reports to CEO. Within each department the reporting takes place and follows
·         Executive reports to Team leader.
·         Team leader reports to Manager.
·         Manager reports to Directors.
·         Director reports to VP.

HR system of Wi-tribe:

The Hr department in Wi-tribe mainly focuses on the Human Capital management. Human Capital Management helps organization analyze workforce strengths and vulnerabilities, while surfacing opportunities and strategies that allow them manage human capital. By providing a holistic view of the work force, the solution gives the consistent and accurate answers needed for strategic decision making.
The core areas covered by HR department in Wi-tribe are
·         Recruitment and Selection
·         Organizational development
·         Performance Management system

Recruitment and selection In Wi-tribe:

As we have selected the recruitment and selection tool which is discuss it in detail as following.

Determining of vacancy:

Firstly the most important thing that is required for the recruitment and selection practices is the Human Capital. For which there are budgeted positions. Forecasting is done every year. For every department, people are recruited according to the needs of each department i.e. quota of every department while staying within the budget. The process of budgeting of jobs starts from November till December of each year, in which each department conducts a survey to recognize the possible need of vacancies throughout the year ahead. The Budgeted positions then approved by the HR department, Finance department and CEO of Wi-tribe.
There is no specific time for the recruitment and selection. It is a process that is carried out the whole year and is done when demand emerges. Budget specifies the position and month on which it requires to conduct a plan process of recruitment. Approval from finance department plays important role as all the vacant positions are to be planned according to the allotted budgets to each department. If need of position emerges during the year, then it has to go upward from line manager to the CEO who ultimately approves the post in case it being essential to the organization. Some positions have priority others have less priority; the process is also done by keeping these factors in mind.
 Along with determining the positions, line managers are also required to develop the Job descriptions of each positions in which they include all the technical skills. Other behavioral and organizational competencies are to be develop by the HR department.

Internal Vs External recruitment:

The recruitment process of Wi-tribe is both internal and external. All the applicants, whether internal or external, have to follow the same recruitment process.


Initially Wi-tribe used printed forms of advertisements such as news papers but now all the positions are only announced on the web site. In case of internal recruitment position is announce by placing advertisement on intranet. Wi-tribe is against the paper culture, and to promote this eco friendly trend, job positions are now advertised only on the Wi-tribe’s web site and applicants have to apply online. All the required competencies are given on the advertisement along with the option of apply to the interested applicants. No such concept of overseas recruitment exists in Wi-tribe.

Short listing:

Wi-tribe uses software ‘Sniper Hire’ for short listing the applicants. It is a tool in which some questions are stored, out of which some are killer questions, if the applicant doesn’t match the criteria of the killer questions he wouldn’t be short listed. Killer questions are made according to the organizational requirements and both line manager and HR department develop them. Sniper Hire automatically short lists the relevant applicants on the basis of these questions. It makes the short listing process very easy and time effective. A mail is send to all applicants, which includes interview call for short listed applicants and regrets for unsuccessful applicants.

Selection method:


After the short listing process interviews are arranged by the technical department. If an applicant is approved by technical department, then he further goes to the HOD (head of department).  Then final interview is taken by a panel of a member from HR department, VP of that department, director and even CEO depending upon the position.  All the interviews are preferred to be done on simultaneous bases to save the time of both applicant and interviewee  After the consent of all the departments they send an offer to the applicant. HRs verdict is very important and equally all other department’s decision is also given importance.
In Wi-tribe, HR department conducts both kind of interviews i.e.
1.      One on one
2.      Panel interviews
Each interviewee has given a list of competencies on which he have to rate the interviewer. Basic competencies include interpersonal skills, team work, integrity etc. After totaling the score of candidate by each panel member, decision is made by the panel whether to hire him or not. This decision is based on merit and mutual consensus by the panel. Besides interview no other selection method is use by Wi-tribe. After the completion of interview process successful candidate receives a call from their respective line managers.

Selection Criteria:

Wi-tribe encourages selection on merit, selection criteria of wi-tribe is not complex, interpersonal skills, intrapersonal skills, confidence, communication skills, behavior and attitude towards the judge, education, experience these all are the basic selection criteria which wi-tribe use, but depending upon the vacancy some skills and competencies are also required for example communication skills for sales and marketing department are more important than technical department, Each department has designed job description on the basis of which the selection criteria is designed. Integrity and team working are the basic competencies on which no compromise can be made in Wi-tribe.

Reference Check:

In some cases reference is very important and they do check the reference of a specific applicant. This process is done after the interview. It depends on how the interview goes, if there is a need to check the reference then applicant is asked to submit a reference (factual check).

Training for the Recruiters:

Wi-tribe trains its recruiters by in-house training programs as well as external training i.e. sending them to other training departments.
At the moment they do not have a T&D (training and development department) so the OD (organizational development) looking forward to it.

Employer Branding:

Every year Wi-tribe receives dozens of unsolicited applications and number is continued to increase. Also this year Wi-tribe has been awarded as the ‘Premium Employer of the Year Award’ by the ACCA. So they are known in the market as expert employers. Wi-tribes successes as an employer is tested only on the basis of unsolicited applications receive. There are no other means to develop Wi-tribe as employer of the choice.


There is a tremendous amount of money wasted every year by companies who do not give sufficient priority to recruiting and selecting the most appropriate staff for positions that arise. As well as recruitment costs, companies also waste the time and money invested in induction training if the successful applicant subsequently leaves. Wi-tribe practices following cost and time effective steps in its recruitment and selection process.
Wi-tribe engages all the departments in the process of determining a vacancy and developing a job description more over planning of the required jobs also reduces the cost of the process.  Wi-tribe is using same process for internal and external recruitment of employees, which is a positive aspect because it not only brings transparency to the process, but also reduces the dissatisfaction among the employees. The organization only advertise on its web site which is speedy and  helps to reduce the cost but it also cause large amount of applications.  The organization is not doing sufficient efforts for employer branding, they only relies on the number of unsolicited applications for this matter but no other surveys and relationship building efforts are doing by its HR department. In Wi-tribe, they are using only e-recruitment which depicts paper less culture of Wi-tribe. Short listing is done by applying sophisticated software “Sniper Hire” which helps to shortlist large amount of candidates.  Both one-on-one and panel interviews are used and is done on simultaneous bases to save the time. Selection takes place on the basis of merit and scores given by each panel member. Only interview method is use for the selection of candidate, and other methods such as personality tests and group tests are not used by organization. There is no concept of control and evaluation of the recruitment and selection process. They have the data but this data is not being utilized by the organization to assess and further improve the process of recruitment and selection.


We believe that by considering our following suggestion Wi-tribe can further enhance its recruitment and selection process.
·         Wi-tribe use e-recruitment and use sniper hire software for short listing, the drawback with such kind of short listing is that is only accepts a certain format i.e. if information written by candidate is not specific to that format even if he or she is perfect for the job or meet all the requirements for that job, still he or she will not be shortlisted, so using this kind of short listing can result in loosing very competent applicants. They can use Scoring system short listing to select the best candidate among the pool of applicants.
·         Group methods such as use of assessment centre should be used in selection process in order to find how particular applicants perform in the real work environment and how they manage to solve the problems and also to check the team oriented skills.
·         They should emphasize more on employer branding in order to become “employer of choice” in the labour market. This can be done by conducting surveys and taking regular feedbacks or by using positive word of mouth by current employees. By doing so they can be able to hire the more talented candidates in future who are willing to work for the company progress.
·         They should develop a proper system for the evaluation of recruitment and selection process.


Our special thanks to Mr.Qasim and Mr.Sohail for their cooperation.
·         QASIM TASNEEM    Executive C5 voice (Technical Department)
·         FAHEEM SOHAIL     Executive Recruitment and selection

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